The legendary NWU arch juxtaposed by green trees and blue sky.
Student Portfolio

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Student Portfolio

The Archway Curriculum at Nebraska Wesleyan University integrates learning across disciplinary boundaries, enhances learning through co-curricular experiences (athletics, clubs, music, etc.), and weaves skill development throughout the academic program. As part of this curriculum, NWU embraces portfolios, which are a high-impact practice (AAC&U) that allow students to collect evidence of their education and reflect on their academic growth. These portfolios can be used on campus and beyond, such as in job interviews, internships, and graduate school applications. At NWU, portfolios serve as a digital archive of students' learning in their majors and their liberal arts education.


Portfolio Log In



Transition to OneNote 

Starting Fall 2024, NWU will adopt OneNote as its digital portfolio platform. 

Creating a New Digital Portfolio: Use OneNote to create new digital portfolios. 

Existing Digication ePortfolios: If you currently use Digication ePortfolios, you can continue using them for collecting and reflecting on your academic growth. You also have the option to transition your Digication ePortfolios to OneNote if you prefer.

🔥Moving your Digication ePortfolio to OneNote🔥: Set of tutorials to guide you on how to create an Archway Curriculum Portfolio (ACP) using OneNote, and how to move the contents from your Digication Archway Curriculum ePortfolio (ACeP) to OneNote.

Your Digital Portfolio Toolkit


Support for both platforms is available via the links below:

Organizing your Digital Portfolio

Following these Best Practices will guide you in creating a comprehensive and integrative educational experience, showcasing your learning and development throughout your academic journey.

Privacy, Copyright, Accessibility, and Artificial Intelligence

Following these Guidelines will help ensure your work is protected, inclusive, and ethically presented while safeguarding your personal information. Privacy, Copyright, Accessibility, and Artificial Intelligence.